2002- 01- 20 Herald Rink Bonne Nauta
Beste Cornelis,
Dankzij jouw stamboom heb ik mijn over- over- grootvader kunnen achterhalen. Zijn naam is Heero Nauta en is vier jaar later geboren dan jouw over- grootvader Johannes Bartholdi Nauta. Rink Bonne Nauta, zoon van Heero Nauta, is mijn over- grootvader. De eerste zoon van Rink Bonne Nauta, Heero Rink Nauta is mijn grootvader. De op een na jongste zoon van Heero Rink Nauta is mijn vader, Jo Nauta genaamd. Jo Nauta is na veel omzwervingen (i.v.m. werk) in o.a. Irak, Saudi – Arabie, Zuid – Afrika en de Verenigde Staten woonachtig in Sneek. Ik ben tevens woonachtig in Sneek. Wellicht ontmoeten wij elkaar nog eens op het NAUTA Plein.
Met vriendelijke groeten, Herald Rink Bonne Nauta
2002- 01- 08 Jean Burghgraef
Greetings to each and everyone of all my illustrious relatives, This is a generic letter from your dear sister, sister in law, cousin, Aunt or whatever the case may be.As some of you may know and the others are about to find out, I have been collecting information for the Nauta Family Tree. This addictive hobby of mine started a number of years ago with the Burghgraef family Tree which I have now taken back as far as the 1400’s with a lot of help from my internet genealogy enthusiasts, family members as well as all the archives available on line. Due to the Ryksargyf the tracing of the Nauta’s is somewhat simplified and allows us to go back as far as 1811 up until app..,1905 in most cases. Thus due to the limited amount of information regarding births,marriages and deaths after the year 1902 I am asking for your help in supplying me with the following data so that it will be recorded properly and that you and your family may also be included in the Nauta Family Tree.
Your time and patience is most appreciated and I will most certainly send you a copy of my efforts when it begins to look like something of worth at present I am at the 1811 time line of the Ryksargyf and it will now take some leg work to get further back in time. your patience is required as I am a slow typist and also like to double check my entries.
To those of you with access to Email this info can be emailed back to me at the following address- – – byjanke@sympatico.ca again your input will be much appreciated and thanks in advance for taking time out of your busy schedules, I know this is a lot to ask, yet I am sure that it will be a project well treasured when completed by all of us!
Thanks again,
Jean Janke Burghgraef (Nauta)
P.S. Should you know of any other Nauta’s that I could reach thru email or otherwise please let me know, also any old pictures as well as a recent one would be appreciated . After all, we are all, extremely good looking Nauta’s :- )
2002- 01- 09 Jelle Raap – Suwald
In archief hervormde kerk Oenkerk (Rijksarchief Leeuwarden,toegangscode 255- 54, bronnummer 374, trof ik vandaag in de handgeschreven archivalia aan: R.Nauta, mr. touwslager uit Leeuwarden. (Helaas heb ik het jaar niet genoteerd, is circa 1740- 1747 dat hij touw leverde voor de klok in Oenkerk).
Mei freonlike groet. Jelle Raap – Suwald
2002- 01- 11 Terry Zoethout
Dear Sir:
My name is Tjeerd (Terry) Zoethout. Our family moved to Canada from Holland in 1953. I have been researching our family tree for two years now and came across your website. This became very interesting when I saw the name Nauta. My fifth great grandfather was Jelle Jurjens Zoethout (Nauta). He lived in Woudsend, Friesland where he owned and operated a sawmill (it is still standing). His original surname was Nauta. Zoethout became his nickname because of the fine quality wood he produced. He was so proud of the new name that it became his surname in the 1700’s. With help from others I have been able to trace the family back to 1570. If you are interested in more information just e- mail me.
2002- 01- 14 Terry Zoethout
Hello again CJ:
Here is the information I have about Jelle Jurjen Zoethout’s (Nauta) forefathers. You may already have some of this information but I’m sending it to you anyway. Parents: Jurjen Reynders b. 1650 Woudsend d. 1716 m. Woudsend 1670 Woudsend to Beeuw Ubles b. 1650 – – – Children: Jelle Jurjens, Bauck, Haring, Gosse, Heantsen, Uble, Reiner, Sweantje and Reyner.
Next > Reiner Jelles Broersma m. 1650 Woudsend to Bauck Jurriens – – Children: Jurjen Reyners and Bauck Broersma
Next > Jelle Reiners m. Sep. 3, 1623 Doniawerstal to Hylck Piersdr. d. 1644 – – – Children: Reiner Jelles and Sieuw Hylcke
Next > Reiner Eelckes b. 1570 m. 1600 to Sieuw Jellesdr. – – – Jelle, Eelcke and Nolcke
I hope this information is some help to you. If you want to see my website just type in The Zoethout Family Tree on your web search and you will see what I have so far about the Zoethout’s/Nauta’s.
Have a good day, TZ